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Unlock tax-free cash from your home with equity release

Over 55 with a home worth £70,000?

You could be eligible for a Lifetime Mortgage today! Use our instant equity release calculator below to see how much you could release and also receive your FREE posted and digital guide to equity release.

Equity release calculator

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Enter the value of your property to calculate how much you can release. You must own a home with a minimum value of £70,000 to release equity.

What is equity release?

Equity release has become an increasingly common way for homeowners across the UK to fund their dreams in later life. Rising house prices over recent decades means that the UK’s over-55s have more equity than ever locked up in their properties; equity that can be accessed using a Lifetime Mortgage, the most popular form of equity release.

With a Lifetime Mortgage, unlike other forms of equity release, you can release tax-free cash from your home whilst retaining full ownership, and without having to commit to making monthly payments.

Finding the best plan for you.

We will compare products from across the whole of the equity release market, using only those lenders who are members of the Equity Release Council, including:

What is the process for equity release?


Step 1

Use our free equity release calculator to find out how much could be available to you.


Step 2

You will get instant results and we will post you a copy of our guide to equity release.


Step 3

A member of our friendly Information Team is on hand to answer questions you may have either by telephone, email or post.


Step 4

If you are ready, you can have a free appointment with a qualified equity release specialist.

Equity Release FAQs

Your questions answered

Equity release is becoming increasingly popular as UK homeowners look to take advantage of their property wealth to fund their later life ambitions. However, equity release products are still not widely understood and are often the subject of decades old myths concerning safety, how much you can release and how much you could owe. Below we have listed some of the main questions our customers have when considering releasing equity.

If you're over the age of 55, then you could be eligible for the most common form of equity release, known as a Lifetime Mortgage. This product enables you to access tax-free cash from your home whilst still maintaining full homeownership. Lifetime Mortgages are becoming increasingly popular, as you can take advantage of your property wealth to fund your later life ambitions, with the option of not making any repayments during your lifetime.

As you are unlocking value from your home however, it is worth noting that releasing equity could impact the value of your estate and your entitlement to means-tested benefits. Our advisers will talk you through this and provide you with a personalised illustration.

The amount that you can borrow depends on the value of your home and the age of the youngest homeowner on the deeds. In some cases it could also be impacted by your health. To be eligible the youngest homeowner must be aged 55 or over, and the property must be worth at least £70,000.

Based on your personal circumstances we will work to find the plan that best suits you. There are a number of different types of Lifetime Mortgage, based on the way you release the funds and whether or not you wish to make voluntary repayments during your lifetime.

Lifetime Mortgages have no fixed end date and the mortgage balance is due for repayment once the last homeowner on the deeds has either passed away or entered into long-term care. Typically, this is achieved through the sale of the property.